The Martian Mystique

The antipodal mechanic stared
at the tattoo placed high
on her right ankle,
symbol of Venus indelibly etched
on a peninsula of delicate flesh.

He said—
it’s true,
you don’t need us men.
You should kill us all.
You’d do so much better by yourselves.

She laughed silently
at the nearness of that potential

while he continued tinkering
with the battery,
quietly adding to her bill

fully confident in the invisible symbol
of masculinity
emblazoned from birth
across his insensate, depleted chest.

RKPII ImageRichard King Perkins II is a state-sponsored advocate for residents in long-term care facilities. He lives in Crystal Lake, IL with his wife, Vickie and daughter, Sage. He has never taken any type of a selfie in his life but thinks the television show Selfie was quite good and should have been given more time to build an audience before it was cancelled. Email him at

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